Do you still send ordinary snail mail?

Do you still send ordinary snail mail?

These days it seems all a post box is good for is unwanted catalogues, so why bother?

mail boxes

If you can overlook the long lines and the erratic operating hours, the post office has a few virtues. 

For example, you can get your documents certified there and you can collect lots of obscure pamphlets and catalogues, too.

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When it comes to daily correspondence, most people would agree that snail mail has fallen out of favour, but there is always that one person who feels the need to hold on to old things. 

One grandmother from the United States has found a way to combine ordinary post office letters with the modern news of the day. She finds interesting clips in the newspaper (remember those?) then adds her comments to them.

She sends these clips in a letter to her granddaughter. 

My grandmother is too old for social media, so she clips things out of her newspaper in her small town, and mails them to my mother so they can discuss them, annotated with 90yo hot takes. from pics

Though she may be "too old" for a Twitter account, it is clear that she will not let that stand in the way of her ability to keep up with current affairs. 

This is a clever idea, but it may not work too well in South Africa. From 1 April, the price of 100 stamps will increase from R390 to R420, and the price of sending a domestic parcel will cost upwards of R52,50.

So while some might wish for the slower-paced, less news-heavy days before social media, it appears moving away from traditional snail mail might be much easier on the pocket. 

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