In the fight against poaching the KNP and various partners have invested R16mill in drone technology aimed detecting poachers in the world renowned park.

Drones to help fight rhino poaching in Kruger National Park

In the fight against poaching the KNP and various partners have invested R16mill in drone technology aimed detecting poachers in the world renowned park.


Over the next 12 months KNP officials will be evaluating the effectiveness of drones in the fight against wildlife crime.

The drones would operate at night time and according to SAN Parks they were trying to empower game rangers with something they haven't had before - night time capability.

One official explained that the drones pick up heat sensors and can visibly distinguish an animal from a human being.

Drones would be operated everywhere in the park and could fly for about 2.5 hours, scanning the ground for a potential threat to wildlife.

READ: New approach to combatting rhino poaching

There are however regulations in place and the drones were not allowed to fly more than 400m above ground. 

Drone Operators said no the drones haven not yielded results as no poachers have been arrested as a result of the implementation of these crafts.

CEO of UAV & drone solutions, Otto Werdmuller Von Elgg, said they were the first organisation to be given a commercial license, meaning they are allowed to fly beyond visible line of site. 

Drone technology in the country is still in the early stages, more technology is expected to improve. 

"It is just like the cell phone business 20 years ago, there is stuff we haven't even thought off yet, the technology is getting smaller, lighter and cheaper"  Werdmeller Von Elgg told Jacaranda FM news.

READ: Rhino Dog Deployed

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