Mmasea wants to know if you would quit smoking for money?

Mmasea wants to know if you would quit smoking for money?

For most people, smoking is more than just a habit and the addiction makes it hard to quit 'cold-turkey.' But what if you were paid to do just that?

cigarette ashtray

Recent statistics in the South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that by the end of 2012, a staggering 16.4% of South Africans were smokers and that 21% of children between grades eight and eleven were already smoking as well.

According to the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine, a vast majority of smokers are made up of poorer individuals. 

Leading to a clinical trial which recruited people to test various methods to help them quit.

Some of the recruits were given brochures with tips on how to quit while others were given the same list of tools, additional counselling and were told that they would be paid for kicking the habit.

By the end of the year long study, 10% of the incentive group had quit smoking within six months compared to 1% of those only offered tips on how to quit. After 12 months, a further 12% of the paid group had quit compared to only 2% of the control group.

So would you quit smoking for money and if so how much is enough to break the habit?

If money won't do it, how about looking into the mirror. These three smokers had no idea the real damage smoking was doing to the physical appearance.

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