Japanese zoo stages hilarious lion escape drill

Japanese zoo stages hilarious lion escape drill

These real lions didn't appear impressed at all - have a look!

Japanese zoo stages unusual 'lion' escape drill
Japanese zoo stages unusual 'lion' escape drill

It is no secret that zoos need to have strict rules in place when it comes to safety - but a Japanese zoo has come up with an unusual way to plan for a lion escape.

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In an occurrence that isn't unusual to zoos in Japan, a zoo staff member dressed up in a lion costume reenacted a lion escape. The zoo previously held a rhino drill with two staff members wearing rhino suits and marching around until they were shot with a tranquiliser dart gun.

The lion drill took place at Tobe Zoo in Ehime and was filmed by a local news outlet.

The best part? 

The staff really get into character - even playing dead when the rangers manage to shoot them! 

Moments after the video was posted on social media, people started to notice the reaction of the real lions in the background, with many people saying that they did not look impressed - at all!

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