Plants successfully grown on the moon take us by surprise...

Plants successfully grown on the moon take us by surprise...

Definitely a good sign for the future...

Blue and white planet display
Blue and white planet display/Pexels Website

With the recent super moon and its impact on our moods and the weather, we dare mess with its power in any way. 

But to hear that scientists progress with planting soil-grown plants on the moon, now this just adds to its immense illusiveness. 

"Scientists used soil samples taken during moon missions between 1969 and 1972 to grow a type of cabbage. For the first six days, the moon soil-grown plants looked indistinguishable from earth soil-grown ones." (MSN)

Just the mere thought of knowing that plant life can exist, even for just a little while, is mind-blowing. 

The plants, however, started to wilt after some time, but that's a win for scientists regardless. 

Many of which thought that the experiment would fail from the onset. 

We are just glad to hear that such experiments are being conducted and shared with the world. 


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Image Courtesy of Pexels Website

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