Shop worker reveals that a customer paid with cash soaked in urine!

Shop worker reveals that a customer paid with cash soaked in urine!

Research has revealed that paper currency holds hundreds of species of microorganisms...

Man counting dollar banknotes
Man counting dollar banknotes/Pexels

Being in customer service is no easy feat. You have the pleasure of dealing with pleasant people and those that most certainly aren't. 

Most of the time you have to be able to remain calm and be able to listen and communicate effectively. These are just some basic requirements of working with customers. 

But these requirements aren't all warranted and by no means is that old saying of the customer always being right, right. 

Many customers have taken advantage of that practice and have essentially ruined it for all customers. 

But this one customer deserves the award for being the worst of them all. 

A convenience store worker has shared in a video that a customer paid using a banknote that was drenched in urine!

The customer came into the store and before paying did apologise, saying that the money was wet. 

Check out the video below, courtesy of TikTok.


In the YEARS ive done customer service and cashier duties ive never had this happen

♬ original sound - Tiffany


Tiffany revealed that she did not touch the money and left it for her boss, who "bleach bathed" it. 

This leads us to the fact that cash money, with all its value, is actually riddled with germs. 

"In a 2017 study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers swabbed $1 bills from a bank in New York City to see what was living on paper currency. They found hundreds of species of microorganisms. The most abundant were ones that cause acne, as well as plenty of harmless skin bacteria. They also identified vaginal bacteria, microbes from mouths, DNA from pets and viruses." (Time)

This is another reason that during the pandemic many advised for us to sanitise our cash and wash our hands as regularly as possible. 

The question as to why her money was drenched in urine has crossed our minds, but we would rather not dive into that reason...

Image Courtesy of Pexels

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