WATCH: Even baboons enjoy a good old fashioned pool party...

WATCH: Even baboons enjoy a good old fashioned pool party...

We're not the only ones who feel the heat...

Group of baboons playing in a pool
Group of baboons playing in a pool/Facebook Screenshot/@paul.hansen.180

We are all feeling the heat - and we don't just mean with regards to life's stresses, we mean literally! 

As the days get warmer, and the nights a little bit uncomfortable, rest assured some will do anything to get cool. 

We cannot say we blame them, dealing with the heat can be draining. 

This is why it wasn't only entertaining but understandable that a troop of baboons decided to cool off recently. 

In a video posted by Paul Hansen on Facebook, we see the playful troop have an impromptu pool party. 

It's not like this is something new to us when it comes to unannounced visitors in our homes. 

The family were quite entertained by the little show that the baboons put on and decided to share it online. 

Hansen shared that the party ended when the baboon monitors came through with their paintball guns. 

This was exactly what we needed to see; a little bit of baboon play didn't hurt anyone.


Check out the video below, courtesy of Facebook. 

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Image Courtesy of Facebook

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