WATCH: What this man can do with his eyeballs is freakishly scary

WATCH: What this man can do with his eyeballs is freakishly scary

This will literally make your eyes pop!

Man looking into a mirror while popping his eyeballs out
Man looking into a mirror while popping his eyeballs out/YouTube Screenshot/@guinnessworldrecords

One thing that is certain when it comes to The Guinness World Records is that they are known to find the weirdest of things and have records for them. 

This man, Sidney de Carvalho Mesquita, has a skill that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, 'eye popping'. 

He discovered his skill at the young, tender age of nine and has managed to do it without hurting himself. 

He is also known as 'Tio Chico Brasil' (Uncle Fester), and has achieved the record title for the farthest eyeball pop (male) with an incredible measurement of 18.2mm. 

Uncle Fester shares that when he pops his eyeballs out, his vision gets a bit blurry, but as soon as they go back in, his vision goes back to normal. 

He considers his talent - or as he calls it 'skill', a definite gift and admits that his parents thought there was something wrong with him when he first showed them. 

Surprisingly, he did not disclose his skill to his current wife until they were engaged. The good news is she married him, so it didn't bother her. 

Shockingly, he is not the only one who has this skill. Female eye popper, Kim Goodman, holds the record for the farthest eyeball pop in the female category. 

Her eyeball pops out 12mm, which is considerably less than Uncle Fester's. 


WATCH the video below, courtesy of YouTube

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