Fright night! Mom left sleepless by child's creepy T-shirt

Fright night! Mom left sleepless by child's creepy T-shirt

Whether you believe in the paranormal or not - this would creep you out!

Ninja turtle creepy picture
Facebook/Angela Kelsay

A mother shared a post on Facebook that left a lot of parents in stitches. 

For many, this story reminds us of the days we started sleeping alone with the lights off, times when a tree cast a scary figure on the window and you'd stay up the whole night to make sure the strange figure doesn't kill you in the middle of the night.

In the post, Angela Kelsay shared a terrifying incident where she thought she spotted an alien in her bedroom, but it turned out to be her two-year-old son wearing a glow int the dark Ninja Turtles T-shirt.

READ: Mom spots 'ghost baby' sleeping next to her son

Kelsay's hilarious story went viral with 83,000 shares and 17,000 comments. 

Have a look at the story below:

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