Barney could watch this bulldog take a tumble all day

Barney could watch this bulldog take a tumble all day

The bulldog had no idea that he would be thrown off the sofa like that!

bulldog falling

Celebrating a holiday during the week, and then having to go back to the office the next day can take its toll.

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If you took part in some Halloween festivities on 31 October, then it is likely that you had a little bit of trouble getting back into work mode this morning. You might even have been running around in circles trying to get back on track - like this French bulldog:

It's all fun and games until he topples off of the sofa! 

You can hear the owner gasping as the dog takes a tumble. It might be amusing watching the little animal run around in confusion, but no one wants to see their pet get hurt.

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But you can be sure that after they made sure the dog was fine, the owners laughed harder than they had before. This is yet another example of the many ways in which a dog can bring joy into your life. 

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