Geese brutally fend off baboon from nest

Geese brutally fend off baboon from nest

Even though they knew they had no chance, these geese put up a pretty good fight!

geese attack baboon image

In an attempt to protect their clutch of eggs, a pair of Egyptian geese went into attack mode when a large baboon tried to steal a quick meal. 

The baboon can be seen passing over a small stream, filled with a flock of geese. Quietly nestled across the stream, sat a gander and his mate, protecting their eggs. Suddenly the area erupts with loud calls and warning screeches as the large baboon approaches the nest and starts to steal the eggs.

Within seconds the pair of geese risk their lives and begin to brutally attack the baboon. Unfortunately, the baboon is not phased by the biting and flapping and continues to consume the rich yolk from the eggs. 

Watch the heartbreaking footage below:

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