Gorilla wows the crowd by mastering a handstand

Gorilla wows the crowd by mastering a handstand

A video showing Bolingo the gorilla mimicking his caretaker's handstand has set tongues wagging.

Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida is a "Disney-style theme park" offering patrons amusement park rides, restaurants, and other festival activities.

One of the main attractions at Busch Gardens is a gorilla named Bolingo, who spends time doing various activities and developing skills with the help of animal care experts.

Bolingo has learned to mimic the behaviour of the caretakers, which staff at Busch Gardens say proves that the primate trusts them and views their relationship as positive.

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See how Bolingo effortlessly copies the caretaker's handstand in the clip below:

Busch Gardens says it endeavours to keep the animals that are housed at the park engaged and to "provide them with the most mentally and physically stimulating environment possible".

Observers have found it difficult to agree that mimicking handstands is a substitute for the freedom of movement that animals enjoy in their natural habitat.

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