The language of great couples

The language of great couples

Why using cute nicknames and code words may be the key to close bonding with your significant other

Couple Kissing

We all hate listening to the lovey-dovey language couples have, but researchers have found that it might actually serve a purpose.

Cute nicknames and code words pave the way to a playful, resilient, and satisfying relationship with your significant other. One study on couples' "insider language" published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships reported that the more goofy nicknames, made-up terms, and covert requests for nooky a couple used, the higher their relationship satisfaction tended to be.

"Using nicknames and made-up language is an easy way to inject positive communication into everyday life," Turndorf says. In fact, it's probably the single easiest thing you can do to keep your romance going strong.

Bottom line: Having a shared language can only help strengthen the connection you feel with your partner. So swallow your pride and bring on the shmoopy.

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