Musical beagle 'Buddy Mercury' serenades his family

Musical beagle 'Buddy Mercury' serenades his family

Buddy Mercury's vocal chops have earned him a loyal following online, but it looks like he still does his best work just for his family. 

singing labrador
The dog loves to howl tunes/Pixabay/Alexas_Fotos

It looks like singing dogs are having a moment. They can imitate popular musicians and they can hold really high notes and, in the case of Buddy Mercury the beagle, they are even recording albums!

Howling is no longer just an irritating noise that pets make - it could be the gateway to a new career path. But, as with most performers in the spotlight, some dogs just want to be alone with their pianos so they can have the space to create. 

Buddy Mercury, who has a modest following on Facebook and an album called Buddy Mercury Sings the Blues on iTunes, was practicing the cords of what must be an upcoming single when his owner's daughter crawled in and ruined his moment. 

The musical beagle was making quite a bit of progress on the song but apparently lost his nerve when the baby, who was laughing as she enjoyed the music, came closer and knocked his paws off the piano. You can clearly see how upset Buddy is about the interruption: this was a serious recording session, not a performance for the family. 

But Buddy is a star: he will not back down that easily. 

You just wait until he gets back into the studio - his next single will blow you away. 

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