Pics: do your late night shopping at a cashier-free, smartphone-powered store

Pics: do your late night shopping at a cashier-free, smartphone-powered store

No queues, no fuss, no time wasted and more convenience through your mobile phone as Sweden opens its first staff-less late night convenience store. Have a look at how the world is evolving around technology. 

Staff-less store mobile app

So you're home and craving your favourite snack or perhaps working the night-shift; you need a boost and all the convenience stores are closed. What do you do?


Well in Sweden you can buy your goods with a mobile app - and not in the same way that you might typically do online shopping either. 

In an article published by Mashable, Robert Ilijason explains how he came up with the idea to establish an un-staffed convenience store in the Swedish town of Viken. Yes, you only need your mobile phone to access the store and buy items in it. 

Ilijason came up with the idea for Sweden's first staff free 24-hour store after he had broken the last jar of baby food, which resulted in him having to take a 20 minute drive to the nearest town.


With the introduction of this app people are able to save on fuel costs, avoid long queues, save time and have peace of mind when they need basic necessities.


After registration, users download the app and agree to a monthly bill for using the service through a monthly invoice. 

Wondering how this all works? Firstly, the app allows users to open the store's door using the app. Wanting to pay up for what you want to buy? Simply scan your item with their app and you're done - quick and easy!

For the sake of fairness, Ilijason is reportedly considering having an in-store assistant to oversee the store for a couple of hours for those who are not quite tech savvy. 

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smartphone-powered 24 hour convenience store in Sweden
Associated Press

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