Russian father builds iPhone-shaped tombstone for his daughter

Russian father builds iPhone-shaped tombstone for his daughter

Rais Shameev has erected a five-foot iPhone-shaped tombstone at the grave of his daughter in Ufa, Russia. 

iphone face down in the grass

They say that, when your loved ones pass, you should try to remember them at their best. Whatever gave them the most happiness while they were alive should be what you focus on whenever you think of them. Even if what they enjoyed the most was spending all their waking hours scrolling through social media. 

That’s perhaps what Rais Shameev had in mind when he built a five-foot iPhone-shaped tombstone out of basalt for his deceased daughter Rita Shameev. The tombstone looks just like the popular smartphone, right down to the screensaver – a picture of Rita herself. 

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A man who had been visiting the graves of his loved ones described the shock of seeing the unusually elaborated tombstone: “I thought I was having hallucinations. How could an American smartphone suddenly appear at our cemetery?”

Rais did not comment on his reasons behind creating the tombstone. It is suspected that it may have been built by “a Siberian company that offers ‘death accessories’".

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If you could choose the shape of your tombstone, what would it be?

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