Seven surprising benefits of walking

Seven surprising benefits of walking

There are several benefits of walking that may just make you consider leaving your car at home and choosing to walk.


Many of us know how walking can be a great form of exercise, but did you know that walking can even save your life and do wonders for your brain?

Have a look at how walking for just 30 minutes a day can be of great benefit to you:

It can save your life!

Did you know that regularly walking can decrease your chances of dying from a heart attack? Research has shown that walking strengthens your heart and lungs. It also improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

It can better your socialising skills

Whether you are taking a friend or your pet along for the walk, walking can be a great way of bonding or even meeting new friends.

It can be the secret for your weight loss

When you walk, you burn fat, thus helping you shed some unwanted fat from your body which will result in weight loss. This will help you avoid obesity, which has become a serious problem in society. So if you are not a gym fanatic or keen on diets, walking regularly and being determined can be a great way to lose weight and get to your desired body size.

Walking helps tone your legs and buttocks

If you were thinking of wearing a bikini or shorts during the upcoming summer months, but are feeling depressed by the way your body looks, just make walking your new-found hobby; do it regularly and get the body you desire. 

It helps your brain function properly

Walking helps keep your mind sharp and increases your memory. Oxygen is vital for your brain to function well, and when you exercise, oxygen gets transported to your brain. According to, exercise also enlarges your brain's basal ganglia, which is the part of the brain that helps us pay attention. So if you are having a hard time concentrating or you feel your brain is letting you down, walking regularly may be of great help.

Walking does your feet good

One of the reasons your feet were created is to be used for walking. Not walking means the muscles in your feet will become weaker, resulting in them being stressed.

Walking helps alter your frame of mind

According to an article published on, walking can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety can also be reduced when you talk about your challenges to your friends during your walk. So put on your walking shoes, get a friend and let walking be your route to a better life.

Have you registered for the Discovery jacaranda FM Spring walk yet? If not, click here.

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