Small boy plays rough with python

Small boy plays rough with python

A toddler in Indonesia was caught getting very friendly with a large python outside his home. 

baby plays with python
YouTube screenshot/Viral Hog

Children have open hearts and are willing to make friends with all kinds of people and animals because they see the best in everyone. It is no surprise, then, that this young boy in East Java Province, Indonesia had absolutely no issue with playing rough and tumble with a python outside his home. 

The boy settles himself between the snake's coils, showing no fear at all as the python slithers slowly. At one point the youngster picks up the python's head and drops it, a move that would have been deadly if the snake was in a worse mood. 

Though this particular snake is not venomous, it could easily swallow a child of this size whole in one gulp. This is a concern raised by a handful of the 84,000 people who saw the video, who commented: "That snake isn’t patient. It’s full. If that thing was hungry that boy would be dead". 

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