Tennis player banned after trying to kiss TV reporter multiple times

Tennis player banned after trying to kiss TV reporter multiple times

We have absolutely no idea why someone would act in this way?

french reorter image funny kiss

French tennis player Maxime Hamou has been banned by the organisers of the French Open after shocking footage emerged of him trying to kiss a reporter on live television. 

The French player repeatedly tried to kiss reporter Maly Thomas while his hand can be seen around her neck. It's the most bizarre footage we have seen in a long time.

Puzzled and confused, we are trying to figure out what he was doing and why he was acting in this way? Hamou was being interviewed by the reporter after being knocked out during the first round of the tournament when the incident took place. 

One can see the reporter trying to duck and move away from him in what has to be one of the most awkward interviews we have ever seen. Thomas told a news source that she felt Hamou’s actions were 'frankly unpleasant'. "If I hadn’t been live on air, I would have punched him,” the journalist said.

We are speechless! Watch the awkward footage below:

Ladies, would you have kept this calm in a situation like this? 

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