Thai the guide dog adorably tricks his companion into buying him treats

Thai the guide dog adorably tricks his companion into buying him treats

Thai the guide dog knows how to get his companion Danielle around safely - and he also knows how to make sure he rewards himself with some treats every now and then. Read on for the heartwarming story of the pair's trips to the mall.

thai the guide dog
Twitter screenshot

Guide dogs and their companions have a unique bond. The trust and loyalty between the two is difficult to match, and the time spent together is the source of joy and fulfilment for all parties involved. 

For Thai the guide dog, this joy is never clearer than when he and his companion Danielle Sykora go on trips to the mall. Danielle's sister Michele told Buzzfeed that Thai had developed a habit of leading Danielle into a shop called "Cool Dog Gear" every time they go out. 

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Michele caught the moment on camera and posted it to her Twitter account.

Cool Dog Gear is a store that specialises in clothing and accessories for dogs and their owners. The company also works to raise funds for animal shelters. 

It looks like Thai knew instinctively that Cool Dog Gear was a great place for him and Danielle to spend some quality time. 

How many times has your dog completely taken over a shopping trip like this?

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