Turkish patrons flee as rogue vehicle smashes into Starbucks

Turkish patrons flee as rogue vehicle smashes into Starbucks

Patrons at a Starbucks in Adana, Turkey had to duck out of the way when a rogue vehicle swerved into the restaurant's window.

starbucks crash
Facebook screenshot

Building a restaurant on the side of a busy highway may be good for getting foot traffic into your institution, but it does also heighten the risks for people who choose to enjoy a meal there. 

Patrons of a Starbucks built on the busy Turkmenbashi Boulevard in Adana, Turkey were left shaken after one of the vehicles going down the popular road swerved right into the dining area. 

Security camera footage shows a relatively full restaurant that is quiet as people tuck into their drinks and sandwiches; the road outside is pulsing as cars zoom past. All is normal until a white car swerves from the outside lane and speeds towards the shop's window. It stops right in the middle of the dining area. 

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Thankfully, most of the diners were unharmed and can be seen climbing carefully over the scattered furniture to flee the scene. 

Three patrons were reportedly injured and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. It is still unclear what caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

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