Martin and Tumi transform for Halloween

Martin and Tumi transform for Halloween

Will you be dressing up as your favourite character for Halloween today?

image martin and tumi halloween

We sure hope so!

Halloween or Hallowe'en, also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.

Millions of people dress up as their favourite characters from films or fairytales, running around their neighbourhoods trick or treating.

One of Martin's favourite Mexican holidays is the 'Day of the Dead'. Many people all around the world dress up and transform their faces into that which represents a visually-pleasing zombie. 

Martin's transformation is spectacular! 

@martin.bester is super scary this morning! We're feeling the Halloween spirit, are you? #JacaBreakfast

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Can you figure out what @martin.bester is dressed up as Halloween? 🎃 #JacaBreakfast

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Who doesn't love Marvel? Tumi Morake brought out her inner green monster and was ready to 'smash' everything in her sight. She transformed into the superhero world's biggest and strongest Avenger - The Incredible Hulk!

@tumi_morake is green and she's ready to SMASH! Any idea what character Tumi us dressed up as? #JacaBreakfast

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Awesome, right?!

Liesl Laurie, Echbert Boezak and Gerda de Sousa also got in on the action and brought some of your favourite characters to life.

@liesllaurie ia standing strong, regal amd wonderous! Any idea who she is dressed up as for Halloween? #JacaBreakfast

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@liesllaurie is totally Wonder Woman! So cool! #JacaBreakfast #halloween

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It's all in the red cape. @echbertb has fully transformed into Red Riding Hood! How stunning? #JacaBreakfast

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Hulk meets Little Red Riding Hood. #JacaBreakfast #halloween

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@gerdadesousa loves a magic carpet ride, along with her best friend, Abu! Who is she? #JacaBreakfast

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