Oops! Here are some brands we have been pronouncing incorrectly

Oops! Here are some brands we have been pronouncing incorrectly

Brand names can sometimes be a bit difficult to pronounce - even the most famous ones!

Shocked woman looking at phone / iStock
Shocked woman looking at phone / iStock

So it seems the name of a brand can impact on a consumer's desire to use them.

According to psychology professor Daniel M. Oppenheimer, people are not likely to buy from brands they can't pronounce the names of.

Why? Because people can associate with easy words or information. If the information is clear and simple, people feel more confident, intelligent, and capable. 

Liesl Laurie found a few brand names that we have been pronouncing incorrectly and decided to test the Breakfast with Martin Bester team.

The team did not do too badly!

Brand Names
Brand Names
Brand Names
Brand Names
Brand Names
Brand Names

Have you been pronouncing these names incorrectly? 

Let us know!

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