South Africans can't spend more than an hour without their phones

South Africans can't spend more than an hour without their phones

A recent survey asked South African youth how long they think they could go without their phones and it wasn't long...

Child on Phone

It is no secret that South Africans spend a lot of time online, especially regarding phone usage and social media.

A recent survey conducted by SA's first power bank rental network, Adoozy Power, revealed just how reliant South Africans, especially our youth, are on their cellphones.

According to Adoozy Power's Communications Manager, Mathabo Sekhonyana, most of the respondents were between the ages of 18 and 26.

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Sekhonyana told ENCA that 40% of the respondents said that they would rather skip a meal for a day than be without their cellphone's power.

The communications manager did note that this was because of anxiety and fear. Respondents said they don't feel safe when their phones are off.

She added that 30% of respondent said they fall asleep with their phones. 

The report also showed that 18 to 26-year-olds check their smartphones upwards of 30 times an hour.

According to IOL, almost half (40%) of the respondents said they would rather endure sitting in South African traffic than give up their phones.

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Almost 16% would rather endure a dental visit.

92% of respondents feel they could only go up to 24 hours without their mobile device, and 64% claim they could not even make it an hour.

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