Africa finally delivers at 2018 World Cup!

Africa finally delivers at 2018 World Cup!

In the latest edition of his World Cup analysis, Andrew Hallett has high praise for Senegal, and has jumped aboard the Russia hypetrain.

Senegal World Cup

Senegal get the ball rolling for Africa

It may not have been perfect, but Senegal put on a show that puts the rest of Africa's representatives to shame. They played without fear and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves on the pitch. Their mix of youth and experience was perfectly balanced to allow for a showing which Poland just could not come to terms with. They attacked as a unit and defended in the same manner. It worked, and it was exciting to watch.

While Sadio Mane is undoubtedly the star man of the Senegal side, the likes of Ismaïla Sarr and Moussa Wagué were outstanding for such young players. Remember those two names - they are going to make huge waves in club football soon.

Senegal now have a fantastic chance of reaching the knockout stage, and will fancy their chances against both Japan and Colombia in their remaining games. The Lions of Teranga are ready to roar!

Are these the classiest fans in world football?

You just need to watch the video to understand what I am getting at:

That is pure class from the Senegal fans. Faith in humanity restored!

Russia are steamrolling this World Cup

Before the tournament started, not many people gave Russia much hope of doing anything other than maybe beating Saudi Arabia. Well, this Russian side are not interested in that nonsense. They have been absolutely scintillating so far, tearing apart Saudi Arabia and then giving Egypt a bit of a hiding.

To date, South Africa are the only host nation in World Cup history to not make it to the knockout stage. Many in South Africa had hoped Russia would stumble, and spare us some of the embarrassment. Well, sadly, that isn't going to happen, and with some of the big sides flattering to deceive, could Russia become the first host nation since France in 1998 to lift the trophy? That is a bit premature, but who knows, they clearly are playing with their hearts on their sleeve and for the people.

Egypt... sigh

Such high hopes. Such massive disappointment. Time to head back to Africa, boys.

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