Want to be happier? Justin Cohen can help...

Want to be happier? Justin Cohen can help...

Did you know that people who are happier have substantially higher income; get sick less often and recover more quickly; have higher tolerance for pain, more tolerance for stress and less memory loss? Sound good?  Justin Cohen believes there are practical things you can do every day to be happier.

Justin Cohen

Justin Cohen believes there is a science to happiness. The bestselling author, global speaker and transformational coach says research is showing us more and more that it's happiness that leads to success and not success that leads to happiness.

"You are actually more likely to be successful when you are happy. In fact we see happy people tend to be more focused. They're 31% more productive."

In the latest Thrive with 'DrD' podcast, Justin speaks to Dorianne Weil about the science of happiness, and gives several practical tips for being more happy.

They also talk about the 5 P’s of happiness. These are Physiology, Positivity, Presence, Purpose and People. Listen below.

Listen to more podcasts from 'DrD' in the channel below.

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