Prepare your child mentally for school

Prepare your child mentally for school

As many schools in South Africa will be opening next week, some children will be starting school for the very first time. As a parent, you know how scary that can be.

Drawings, school, school children

One of your roles is to help your child deal with change and growth, and mentally prepare them for what lies ahead. 

Your child may think they are ready for school, but they might not be totally prepared for it, so here are a few tips to guide you in helping them prepare for the big day: 

Brief them on what to expect

Not knowing what to expect can make anyone anxious. Let your child know what actually happens at school. Being prepared or having an idea of what happens will help calm them down. 

Take them through the school premises

Many school premises are open before the official back-to-school day, so pop into the school and take your child through the school premises just so that they are familiar with their new surroundings. You can even ask the teacher to show them the classroom(s) they will be using.

Show them school-related material

There are many great videos and games that can mentally prepare your child for school. The good thing is that the internet makes things easily accessible. Download nursery rhyme videos and educational games for your children and let them learn. 

Adjust their schedule

Start to prepare their mind for change by making their body used to the school schedule. If you start training them from today, by the time school starts, you won't struggle.

Also read: A guide to help you adjust to a new place of work

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