Stepmother hurt that stepdaughter does not want her at her wedding

Stepmother hurt that stepdaughter does not want her at her wedding

Do you believe it is wrong and insensitive for the stepdaughter to not want her stepmother to attend her wedding? 


A bride has a right to choose whom she wants or doesn't want at her wedding. But what happens when that right has the potential of drifting the blended families further apart? 

A woman took to Reddit to talk about how her mother-in-law told her that her stepdaughter Kate doesn't really want her attending her wedding.  

"She is getting married over the summer and my MIL (gossipy as all hell and no boundaries) recently came to us said that she overheard Kate talking about how she fantasizes about not inviting her parents, because she knows if she invites them she has to invite her stepfather and I, and she just hates feeling like "playing pretend", she wrote on Reddit. 

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The stepmother says although Kate says her desire was just a wish and she won't actually go ahead and not invite her stepparents, she is still hurt by the thought. 

"She said she would never actually do it, but she fantasizes about it all the time. Obviously I was hurt," she wrote. 

The stepmother says although she understands that "Kate is entitled to her private feelings", she does not think it is right to invite her husband and leave her behind. 

"The issue is her mother's husband said he was going to just let her have this one thing and not go. Everyone immediately praised him for being such a great guy, and then began pressuring me, to just not go.  Well I'm not comfortable with that. I don't resent her for having feelings, everyone is entitled to their fantasizes, but at the end of the day etiquette and social obligation is a thing. To me it is about respect. You cannot just expect one half of a married couple to come alone," she wrote. 

READ: Bride-to-be asks if it's OK to put nine-year-old stepdaughter in shape-wear

However, what is troubling her is that there are people who are suggesting that her staying away from the wedding would be a nice gift to her stepdaughter.

"My husband agreed to back me but seemed uncomfortable, and everyone else is telling me how awful I am and that just staying home would be such a nice wedding gift for her," she wrote. 

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