Heinz Winckler is having a special holiday with the family in Mauritius

Singer Heinz Winckler is having a special holiday with family in Mauritius

Some of us are still working and are desperately in need of a holiday. However, some of us are fortunate enough to have a special holiday in the middle of March.

Singer Heinz Winckler is having a special holiday with family in Mauritius
Instagram / Heinz Winckler

Former Idols winner, singer and actor Heinz Winckler, with his wife, Alette, and kids are having a very special holiday in Mauritius. 

The Winckler family is enjoying the hot sun and deep blue sea of Shandrani Beachcomber Resort & Spa. 

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The father of three boys shared a beautiful photo of him and his family, and captioned the photo: "We're so excited and grateful to be on our way to Mauritius."

Heinz shared some of the special moments from the trip:

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