Mandos spoof goes viral

Mandos spoof goes viral

Boity Reaction! Did you expect this?


Known for their quirky remarks on many hot topics, one would expect Nandos to join the #Boityreaction social craze. However, one designer beat them to it and created what we think should be labelled as the’ Spoof of the Year’.

So who is the brain behind this clever spoof?
While Boity’s bottom was getting the attention of millions of South Africans on Monday, Kagiso Digital’s Multimedia designer, Zole Moloi, had his head focused on another hot chick. “I just thought ‘imagine if you could spoof the Nando's spoofs, that'd be epic’. Plus, it felt very timely with all the Boity reaction furore, so I just made my own,” said Zole.

And how has social media responded?
With comments like “Is this Nando's ad real? Whoever did it needs a standing ovation... #BoityReaction”, “It's not certified until #nandos has a #BoityReaction :""""D lol my fave Advert!” and “Their marketing is on fire!”
At first, excited Nandos fans, or maybe just hungry people, were sharing the picture and praising Nandos for their excellent marketing skills, until it was pointed out that the advert does not belong to Nandos and for once Nandos was speechless.
"I met Boity at a gig last year. I've always been a perv of hers, wait sorry, I mean a fan of hers. She is a wonderful woman so I hope she likes the advert," added Zole.
Marie Claire’s response: Lol love the spoof! How about creating a real one @NandosSA?
Will Nandos take up the challenge? Can they spoof the spoof? Will we see more clever designs from Zole?
Only time will tell. Until the next hot chick plucks her way onto your social media...


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