How to navigate gateway subjects - Maths and Physics

How to navigate gateway subjects - Maths and Physics

Some subjects trigger more fear than others - Maths and Physical Science are right up there. 

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Photo: Pieter van der Merwe, JacarandaFM News

These important subjects aren't always a firm favourite with pupils.


The experts say the basics must be covered with these subjects. 

Dr Margaret Archibald is a Maths lecturer at Wits University. She says when it comes to studying for a Maths paper - practice makes perfect. 

These are her five tips to matric pupils that should make studying for maths a little less stressful. 


1. Practice every day goes a long way

2. Repetition. The more familiar the material, the more relaxed you will be in your exam

3. Don't leave your least favourite topic for the last minute. It's better to tackle what you don't understand first 

4. Study with friends. It helps to be able to bounce ideas off each other and makes for better learning.

5. Don't study when you are too tired or feeling negative 


Archibald shares her relaxing techniques that can be used in the exam room. 


Wits Associate Professor of Physics Andrew Chen says studying for physics is pretty straight forward. 

He says sample questions must be used regularly.

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