16 Days of Activism: Know your self-worth

16 Days of Activism: Know your self-worth

Zazi is a women empowerment campaign that started in 2013 which focuses on sexual rights, condom use and gender based violence. 

Official Website

Zazi is a Nguni word which means 'know yourself'.


Project Manager Sara Chitambo says they started this campaign to speak to women.


"We wanted a campaign that reminds them of their inner strength and their power to make decisions that affect their lives," says Chitambo.

Chitambo says they help women through Zazi Women's Clubs where they fund NGOs in different communities that go around and do dialogues and hold monthly talks with women, be it in campus residences, high schools, church groups etc.


"Wherever we can find gatherings of women in areas, we go out and speak to them using the Zazi toolkit.

Chitambo says they deal with violence, people who are survivors of violence or people who are afraid to leave violent relationships.


She says they also hear from men.


"The men contact us and say they are violent people, they have anger issues, they have anger management problems, so we do get a lot of those queries from people looking for help," says Chitambo.


Chitambo says the 16 days of activism campagin is critical period in order to highlight violence in South Africa.

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