AfriForum in court over power cuts

AfriForum in court over power cuts

AfriForum and AfriBusiness are in court against Eskom's plans to cut the power supply to eight municipalities on Friday.

electricity power lines _jacanews
Photo: Maryke Vermaak, JacarandaFM News

The municipalities in the Northern Cape, North West and the Free State have not settled their accounts.

AfriForum's Willie Spies says they are applying for an urgent interdict in the North Gauteng High Court today.

"The power cuts are planned despite the fact that there is a pending court case that will be heard in March where the practice of Eskom of punishing innocent rate payers for the wrongs of the municipalities will be tested," says Spies.

Eskom's Khulu Phasiwa says they are leaving it in the hands of the court.

"AfriForum and Solidarity, and organisations like that, have tried to do this before and in some of the cases they have actually lost, so there is a precedent already on this matter. We will go to court to defend ourselves," says Phasiwe.

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