Afriforum unhappy with proposed waste removal levy in Tshwane

Afriforum unhappy with proposed waste removal levy in Tshwane

AfriForum has written a letter to the Tshwane Metro demanding it halt the implementation of a waste removal levy.


The implementation of the levy will cost rate payers an additional R127, 04 every month for residential properties and R2 911, 67 for business properties from January 2018. 

Afriforum’s Morné Mostert said the introduction of the levy was never a part of any municipal strategic plans and that residents were not notified of the levy.

 "This is not a service levy, but rather the taxing of a service. People are being taxed for access to a service and not the utilisation thereof. If a municipality wants to impose additional taxes, the Minister of Finance's approval is required, which was not obtained in this case here. Some areas do not even have access to waste removal services, but will also have to pay the levy. It is unreasonable and inconsistent with the Constitution and municipal legislation.”

Mostert said they have also requested that the municipality elaborate on reasons for introducing it and how the levy will be implemented.

 "This indicates that the municipality wants to exact additional funds that is not contained in its budgetary framework.” 

AfriForum requested feedback on their letter by 19 December.

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