Agriculture Department's master plan to create over 300 000 jobs - Didiza

Agriculture Department's master plan to create over 300 000 jobs - Didiza

Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Land Reform, Thoko Didiza says her Department’s agro-processing master plan will create 317 000 new jobs.

Thoko Didiza
Pic Courtesy: GCIS

Didiza says most of these jobs will be created by private sector players in the fruit, nut, wine, vegetable, and agro-processing nodes of the food value chains. 


Furthermore, it has been estimated that expanding production and promoting exports will generate R80 billion, which will help the economy recover from the effects of the devastating Covid-19 pandemic.

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“Social partners in the agriculture sector are building on the momentum and unity gained in Level 5 of Covid-19 lockdown to position the sector as a champion in reconstructing and reindustrializing the economy by focusing on exports promotion, employment, food localization and expanding production capacity of commercial and smallholder farmers,” said Didiza on Thursday.


Last week, President Cyril Ramaphosa outlined the country’s economic recovery plan which focused on building a new economy after the Covid-19 pandemic.


Ramaphosa called on social partners to focus on three key areas that include building essential infrastructure, stimulating employment and supporting export industries, and creating a supportive policy environment. 

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