Agrizzi ordered to pay R200k for racist rant

Agrizzi to pay R200k for racist rant

Former Bosasa chief operating officer Angelo Agrizzi and the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) have reached an agreement to settle the racism matter out of court.

Angelo Agrizzi with Buang Jones

The case was heard at the Equality Court in Randburg on Thursday where Agrizzi agreed to pay R200 000 to a charity.

Read the full judgement here:

Agrizzi ordered to pay R200k for racist rant by Nokukhanya Mntambo on Scribd

"We welcome the decision by Mr Agrizzi to accept the terms of settlement," says SAHRC's Buang Jones.


"We hope this outcome will send a clear outcome will send a clear message to society that racism has no place."


The proceeds will be donated to Barney Mokgatle Foundation in Alexandra.


During his testimony at the commission of inquiry into state capture earlier this year, a video surfaced of Agrizzi using the K-word.


Agrizzi was also ordered to issue an unconditional apology to South Africans.

Listen below:

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