Alexandra mothers to appear in court for child neglect

Alexandra mothers to appear in court for child neglect

The mothers of the four children who died in a blaze in the north of Johannesburg are expected to appear in court on Tuesday.

Courtroom, court case

The children were trapped inside the shack where the mothers locked them in, while they allegedly went to a shebeen on Saturday night.

Flames engulfed the shack in the early hours of Sunday morning. 

Emergency Services say a bed caught fire from heater which was left on.

Community members and family are expected to fill up the public gallery at Wynberg Magistrates' Court in support of a 14-year-old boy who survived the blaze.

The mothers, who are sisters, face charges of child neglect.

The Gauteng Social Development Department MEC Nandi Mayathula-Khoza is expected to visit the family and join them in attending the two women's first court appearance.

"We would like the law to take its course. We welcome the arrests. The charges highlight the need for parents to take responsibility in taking care of children, and that child neglect is a criminal offense," says spokesperson, Mbangwa Xaba.

A team of social workers has been deployed to assist the family.

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