Amcu declares platinum mining wage deadlock

Amcu declares platinum mining wage deadlock

The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) has declared a deadlock in the platinum sector wage negotiations, it announced on Monday. 

Amcu logo 1

The mining union says its members have rejected the offers presented by Lonmin, Impala and Anglo Platinum.

Amcu will meet with Anglo Platinum and Impala Platinum on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively to try and resolve the dispute.

No meeting date has yet been confirmed with Lonmin Platinum.

Amcu chief negotiator Jimmy Gama said: "If during these meetings no agreement is reached, the union will have a right to refer the matter to the CCMA for further conciliation."

However, he said the union remains optimistic and looks forward to a progressive engagement that will lead to a settlement being reached. 

"We are hopeful that during these meetings we will be able to focus on the importance of this round of wage negotiations and ensure we arrive at a settlement that will satisfy the needs of the members and sustain employment at these companies," Gama explained.

Amcu waged the longest strike in the platinum sector in 2014 after wage negotiations with mining companies failed.

In January of that year, Amcu members downed tools demanding the minimum wage be increased to R12 500 per month.

The strike ended on 23 June, after a three-year agreement was reached, under which workers received R1000 for the first two years of the agreement and R950 on the last year.

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