ANC calls for leadership issues at SOEs to be resolved

ANC calls for leadership issues at SOEs to be resolved

The ANC says state-owned enterprises cannot continue to be led by people in an acting capacity.  

Gwede Mantashe

ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe says the party's National Executive Committee lekgotla deliberated extensively on the state of the country's state-owned enterprises, many of whom have been caught up in allegations of state capture. 


"A number of SOEs have acting this and that. We have nudged government to attend to that issue urgently, as it does not instill confidence in this important tool of economic development and growth"


Mantashe says permanent appointments should therefore be made as soon as possible at organisations such as Transnet and Eskom


SOEs have been subject of scrutiny, especially by international credit rating agencies. 


Rating agencies have consistently warned that the state of SOE's could lead to further downgrades.


Mantashe says permanent executives should be appointed to restore investor confidence.

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