ANC slams Zille claims on ‘ConCourt tip-off’

ANC slams Zille claims on ‘ConCourt tip-off’

The ANC has rejected claims by the DA’s Helen Zille that it has withdrawn its Electoral Court application because of a pre-determined outcome at the Constitutional Court.

Helen Zille 1

The governing party approached the Electoral Court after it failed to register all the patty’s candidates.

It has since withdrawn the application, saying it will wait for the outcome of the IEC’s application to the apex court to postpone the elections.  

But DA federal chairperson Helen Zille, through her Twitter account, claimed the ANC was tipped off on the outcome of the ConCourt case. 

“These insinuations are devoid of any truth,” said ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe.

“Not surprisingly, Ms Zille does not adduce a shred of evidence to support her utterances. This is a grave insult to the integrity of the Constitutional Court, and the judiciary in general. She should be ashamed of herself. We challenge her to withdraw these spurious allegations.

“The ANC approached the Electoral Court after a number of political parties, including the ANC, failed to register all their candidates. This arose as a result of pressure placed on the candidate selection process by Covid-19 restrictions on meetings.

“This was exacerbated by challenges experienced on the IEC’s online candidate registration system. The ANC has decided to withdraw its application to the Electoral Court in the interests of avoiding a proliferation of litigation before the courts.”


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