'ANC starting to act against those critical of Zuma'

'ANC starting to act against those critical of Zuma'

Political analyst Professor Somadoda Fikeni says factional battles in the ANC led to the axing of outspoken MP Makhosi Khoza as chairperson of the portfolio committee on public service and administration. 

Makhosi Khoza
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The ANC maintains the decision to remove Khoza was based on the "irretrievable breakdown of relations between herself and ANC members of the committee".


ANC MPs boycotted a committee meeting earlier this week where minister Faith Muthambi was expected to answer to allegations of irregular expenditure and nepotism.

But Fikeni says its clear those critical of President Zuma are being targeted. 

"The ANC seems to be a lot more sensitive to the issue of anyone breaking ranks, particularly attacking its president than they are to deal with other cases. So it's a case of which faction you are in, whether it is strong or weak. And also the nature of the particular challenge because you have had people like (public service and administration minister) Faith Muthambi, you've had (mineral resources minister) Mosebenzi Zwane, you've had many other people who's committed some errors or have brought the party into disrepute. And they seem to have gotten off lightly or (faced) no reprimand.

"But in this particular case I do think the ANC, seeing this is rather open defiance which is consistent, which is vocal, using every platform it was expected that at some point they would make a move." 

Fikeni doesn't believe it would be as easy for the ANC to act against the likes of former tourism minister Derek Hanekom, who also indicated that he would vote with his conscience during the motion of no confidence in the president. This amid rumours that Hanekom would be removed as chairperson of the ANC's National Disciplinary Commitee. 

President Zuma has gone as far as suggesting that Hanekom, who he axed as minister in his controversial midnight cabinet reshuffle earlier this year, should be removed from the committee. 

Fikeni says Hanekom has been keeping a relatively low profile. 

"The fact that the president has mentioned him to be head of the disciplinary commitee of the ANC, perhaps moves may be afoot to remove him from that portfolio for now." 

Fikeni says it would be more difficult for the national leadership to bring disciplinary charges against these members.

"Those members might demonstrate that the ANC has not been consistent in applying discipline. And if they're said to be bringing the party into disrepute, they might bring instances where the president and other leaders have done more."

The ANC in KZN has already brought charges against Khoza, with the disciplinary hearing set to take place in September. 

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