ANC wishes Mbeki well on 72nd birthday

ANC wishes Mbeki well on 72nd birthday

Former president Thabo Mbeki's 72nd birthday on Wednesday was an opportunity for South Africans to recommit to unity, the ANC said.

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African National Congress spokesman Zizi Kodwa said in a statement the party wished Mbeki well on his birthday, which came days after the funeral of his mother, Epainette.
"As we mark [former] president Mbeki's birthday today, it is fitting... that we continue to honour the legacy of selflessness and sacrifice bestowed upon us by generations of freedom fighters and activists who have been at the forefront of the uninterrupted struggle of our people for over 102 years."
Mbeki embodied the struggle for democracy, which many men and women died for, Kodwa said.
"We must use days such as this one, when we celebrate a revolutionary, to recommit ourselves to our historic mission to unite the African people and
spearhead the struggle for fundamental political, social, and economic change."
Mbeki's mother died in the Life St Dominic's Hospital in East London, Eastern Cape on June 8 aged 98. Her official provincial funeral was in Dutywa on

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