ANCYL branch calls for Gordhan's head

ANCYL branch calls for Gordhan's head

The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) in eThekwini wants Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan removed from his position.

Pravin Gordhan Flickr
Photo: GCIS

The ANCYL's Thulisa Ndlela says they believe Gordhan to be part of the problem at the South African Airways (SAA). 

"We believe that the current minister has not assisted in transforming this and any other state owned entities that are embattled in any way,"

The call comes amid a request by the ANC Women's League for a commission of inquiry into the affairs of the national carrier. 

The Ndlela says Gordhan's business interests prevent him from solving the crisis at SAA.

"Instead of being a referee, he has become a player in the squabbles within the SAA. He tries to appoint a deputy chairperson. He tries to muddle the board. Instead of being above the current squabbles in the SAA board, he has become part of them," says Ndlela.

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