Anene Booysen's mother dies

Anene Booysen's mother dies

Western Cape rape and murder victim Anene Booysen's mother has died from cervical cancer in a hospital in Bredasdorp, eNCA news reported on Wednesday.

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Corlia Olivier was diagnosed with the disease in December, the broadcaster reported.
She was tasked with overseeing the Anene Booysen Skills Centre in the area, but was unable to do so because of her illness.
The centre, which was set up in Booysen's memory, was established by the higher education department and the Construction Sector Education and Training Authority.
Booysen's biological father Klaasie Speelman was stabbed to death last week near a Bredasdorp dumping site. A 29-year-old man who was arrested for his death last week allegedly asked Speelman for money, and he gave him R10.
"The man was [allegedly] not satisfied with the money and stabbed him to death when he could not give him more," police spokesman Lt-Col Maree Louw said at the time.
Booysen was raped and disembowelled, and died in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, on February 2 last year.
Her killer Johannes Kana was given two life sentences for crimes against the teenager. His attempt to apply for leave to appeal against his conviction was denied by the Western Cape High Court.
- Sapa

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