Appointment of Eskom CEO will restore stability, says Ramaphosa

Appointment of Eskom CEO will restore stability, says Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa believes the appointment of Nampak CEO Andre de Ruyter to head up Eskom is an important step in stabilising the ailing power utility.

Cyril Ramaphosa
Pic Courtesy: Sibahle Motha

De Ruyter, whose appointment has been met with dismay in some circles, was confirmed as the new Eskom CEO on Monday..

Ramphosa told the Black Business Council (BBC) during a meeting at the Union Buildings on Thursday that the appointment of a new CEO at Eskom is an important step towards sustainability at the utility.

"The Eskom board, working with government, continues to pursue a turnaround plan to address its huge debt, its liquidity problems and its operational challenges,” he said.

"The appointment of a new CEO is an important step towards restoring stability.”

De Ruyter will begin his Eskom duties in January. 

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