Blasts, gunfire heard in Somali capital Mogadishu

Blasts, gunfire heard in Somali capital Mogadishu

Three large explosions hit the Somali capital Mogadishu on Friday, sending large plumes of smoke into the air, as volleys of gunfire rang out, an AFP reporter said.


Twin car bombs first went off near two popular hotels as well as the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) police headquarters, followed by gunfire and a third explosion in the same area a while later.

The exact target was not initially clear.

"There is an attack going on at the CID area, two car bombs went off and gunfire followed but we don't have details," said police official Ibrahim Mohamed.

Mogadishu faces frequent bombings at the hands of Al-Shabaab, an Al-Qaeda affiliate which has been fighting to overthrow the internationally backed Somali government for over a decade.

The Shabaab were forced out of the capital by African Union troops in 2011.

But they still control parts of the countryside and attack government, military and civilian targets, seemingly at will, in Mogadishu and regional towns.


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