Bosasa's 'SARS fixer' wants his day at Zondo commission

Bosasa's 'SARS fixer' wants his day at Zondo commission

Port Elizabeth businessman Kevin Wakeford's testimony was postponed at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

State Capture Zondo Comission
Jacaranda FM News

Wakeford applied to cross-examine former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi.

Agrizzi testified that Wakeford was one of the people who was allegedly on Bosasa's payroll.

He said he was paid R100 000 a month to ensure the company evades tax with impunity.

Following a late start, evidence leader, Advocate Viwe Notshe said there was a delay in the completion of Wakeford's affidavit.

"The matter for his testimony is not ready today and this was caused by two things. One, evidence of Mr Agrizzi refers two other people who are alleged to be involved in the activities of Mr. Wakeford, both have given affidavits but there was a delay in getting those affidavits seen by Mr Agrizzi and responded to by him. He has now responded, and we have given them to Mr Wakeford this morning.”

Notshe also said Wakeford wanted access to the evidence given by Agrizzi at an inquiry on the liquidation of Bosasa and this has been delayed. 

Wakeford's lawyer, Advocate Reg Willis, said he is ready to tell his story.

"The fact is Mr Wakeford would have been ready to give his evidence this morning, he is ready, and he is on standby. But of course, it is for the benefit of this commission and your good self that you have the affidavit. Because it is an affidavit and not merely a statement that needs to be testified to and as a legal team, we cannot recommend that he signs off under oath on something when there is other material, we are aware of.

"Chairperson, Mr Wakeford he was one of those in this commission unfortunately did not get his rule 3.3 notice, he has been prejudiced from the outset and we are now 28 months down the line. He is one of those who those who has not had his say in the media, he has obeyed your rules and where he has been forced to release a media statement in denial that's all it has amounted to, he has waited for his time and we cannot lose this opportunity.

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