Breakfast Edition: 27 January 2016

Breakfast Edition: 27 January 2016

WATCH & LISTEN: Here is a recap of this morning's top news stories.

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TRUCKS CARRYING WATER ARRIVES IN THE NORTH WEST: The trucks carrying thousands of litres of water arrived in Lichtenburg in the North West and will now start delivering it to drought stricken areas. The project, spearheaded by the Complimentary Breakfast, saw listeners donating water to the cause. This after a plight by residents of various areas in the North West, who are plagued by the drought. North West was hit hard by the recent drought with reports of children drinking water from air-conditioning outlets. Listeners opened their hearts and donated hundreds of thousands of bottles of water to the #ProjectWaterDrop initiative with schools, rugby teams and corporates also helping to load the water onto trucks.

What a moment! Residents from Sannieshof waiting to accept their water from our trucks. All walks of life have come to desperately come and collect the water that is needed. #ProjectWaterDrop is bringing a lot of relief to many households.

Posted by The Complimentary Breakfast on Tuesday, 26 January 2016

THANK YOU PROJECT WATER DROP: Listeners from across our broadcasting footprint expressed their gratitude at the #ProjectWaterDrop initiative. This family waited along the road between Carletonville and Ventersdorp with their banners, ready.

Water Drop

Water is being loaded off here in Sannieshof by our incredible forklift operators. There is enough water for everyone. A great team effort given by all here. #ProjectWaterDrop

Posted by The Complimentary Breakfast on Tuesday, 26 January 2016

DAM LEVELS RUNNING VERY LOW: South Africa remained in a dire situation despite the recent widespread rain. Mlimandlela Ndamase, spokesperson for the Minister of Water Affairs and Sanitation, Novula Mokonyane, said dam levels remained low. He added that the rain had a minimal impact on dam levels.

Gariep Dam

THE HEAT IS BACK: With the dry, hot, El Nino conditions that were continuing, the South African Weather Service said that a heatwave was heading for the Northern Cape over the weekend.


MONSTER DAD IN COURT: A Johannesburg man was expected to appear in the Bloemfontein High Court on Wednesday, to face a total of a massive 935 charges, including rape and sexual assault as well as possession, manufacturing and distribution of child pornography. He was arrested in Sasolburg in 2014 and according to police 19 victims had been identified. They were all between the ages of 10 and 13. The 43-year-old man's alleged criminal activities came to the attention of local police after they had been alerted by law enforcement authorities of Australia and Canada. Germaine Vogel from Women and Men against child Abuse said their representatives would be in court to support children.



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