City gives ultimatum to striking Tshwane bus drivers

City gives ultimatum to striking Tshwane bus drivers

The City of Tshwane has moved to dock the salaries of municipal bus drivers taking part in what it believes to be an illegal strike.

Bus blockade tshwane
Gao Phalaetsile

Bus services had to be suspended after workers downed tools in an unprotected strike on Wednesday.


It is believed that the employees are striking solidarity with a colleague who was arrested yesterday afternoon for a traffic infringement.


Tshwane spokesperson Selby Bokaba says the municipality has initiated a "no work no pay" principle.

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An ultimatum has also been issued to the striking workers to return to work by 4pm on Thursday or face disciplinary action.


"The situation is currently being monitored and further communication will be made regarding the resumption of services,” says Bokaba. 


"The city immediately deployed top management to TBS headquarters this morning to engage with the employees involved in the strike upon receipt of a report about the disruption of services with a view to ascertain the cause of the strike and to resolve the matter."


Bus services will remain suspended until further notice.

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