The Constitution at 25: ‘Our people enjoy access to housing, education’ - Lamola

The Constitution at 25: ‘Our people enjoy access to housing, education’ - Lamola

Friday marks 25 years since the Constitution came into effect on 4 February 1997.

Constitutional Court-wiki


Friday marks 25 years since the Constitution came into effect on 4 February 1997.


Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola says the Constitutional marked a break from special form of colonisation. 

He has reiterated that while the Constitution frees many, it also places a responsibility on all South Africans.

"It places a responsibility on all South Africans to heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights.

"Most of the gains we have made since 1994 have been because of the constitutional, majority of our people enjoy access to housing, basic services, and education among others," he added. 

He admitted however, that more work still needs to be done.

This includes dealing with crime, unemployment, violence against women and children, and inequality.


The reflections by Lamola come as the judicial service commission is conducting public interviews for the position of Chief Justice. 


On Friday, acting Chief Justice, Raymond Zondo started his interview, WATCH HERE: 

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